Winter Lights Drones and Tones Pack
The Winter Lights Sample Pack has been developed to assist in a new remix project called “The White Cube Remix”.
“The White Cube” is an upcoming exhibition at the RAM Galleri, a free-admission, not-for-profit modern art gallery, in Oslo, Norway.
Sackjo22 and I have been requested to help bring the mixters into providing the soundtrack for the exhibition.
Sackjo22 uploaded a spoken word track, which is to be remixed into songs for the “foreground” of the project, which is right here:
http://ccmixter.org/files/S... It’s called “White Cube”.
I attach a track called “Winter Lights” and a sample pack for the “background” of the project.
For these “background” remixes, we’re seeking beatless ambient/chill/downtempo
Attribution remixes.
For complete guidelines, see the
weblog for this project at:
The White Cube Remix.
The deadline is December 7!
We hope everyone will join in.
See Sackjo22’s upload for the other track. Feel free to submit both a “foreground” piece and a “background” piece. Your “foreground” piece, using the sackjo22 sample, can be any genre appropriate to a gallery show, while the “background” piece
should be in the beatless ambient/chill background arena.
The background songs will be played in between foreground songs, more or less.
A final reminder—make your remix BY (i.e., don’t use NC or sampling plus samples).
Please tag your remix “whitecube” for easy sorting.
I cut some samples from Winter Lights, and added some unrelated drone samples. If you’re one of those folks who’d rather have the complete preview piece in .wav or .aiff, then send me a mixter message and I’ll try to export and send it to you that way.
We look forward to hearing your tracks!
“The White Cube” is an upcoming exhibition at the RAM Galleri, a free-admission, not-for-profit modern art gallery, in Oslo, Norway.
Sackjo22 and I have been requested to help bring the mixters into providing the soundtrack for the exhibition.
Sackjo22 uploaded a spoken word track, which is to be remixed into songs for the “foreground” of the project, which is right here:
http://ccmixter.org/files/S... It’s called “White Cube”.
I attach a track called “Winter Lights” and a sample pack for the “background” of the project.
For these “background” remixes, we’re seeking beatless ambient/chill/downtempo
Attribution remixes.
For complete guidelines, see the
weblog for this project at:
The White Cube Remix.
The deadline is December 7!
We hope everyone will join in.
See Sackjo22’s upload for the other track. Feel free to submit both a “foreground” piece and a “background” piece. Your “foreground” piece, using the sackjo22 sample, can be any genre appropriate to a gallery show, while the “background” piece
should be in the beatless ambient/chill background arena.
The background songs will be played in between foreground songs, more or less.
A final reminder—make your remix BY (i.e., don’t use NC or sampling plus samples).
Please tag your remix “whitecube” for easy sorting.
I cut some samples from Winter Lights, and added some unrelated drone samples. If you’re one of those folks who’d rather have the complete preview piece in .wav or .aiff, then send me a mixter message and I’ll try to export and send it to you that way.
We look forward to hearing your tracks!
Uses samples from...
Samples are used in...
- Twin Snares Pusher Apoxode
- How to Hypertron 240 Apoxode
- #MOAD (Transformer) SiobhanD
- Supergirl (Fly in My Dreams Mix) vo1k1
- Electro Deluxe myfreemickey
- Space News Alert texasradiofish
- Man Above It texasradiofish
- The other Day I found a dead line drawn in the sand faded and hardly there anymore annabloom
- Plume donkeyhorsemule
- A Driving Rain The_Spark_That_Thought
- Winter Coat (Scomberina at age 12) texasradiofish
- Strange Contemplations PorchCat
- Bone Shaking PorchCat
- Heaven & Hell donniedrost
- Bright White Light jlbrock44
- White Light Cube (explodes) snowflake
- the eclectic cube elapse AIR_LOMEG
- Winter Lights Cubed verian
- White Out (Shade of the Moon Mix) SackJo22
- Dawn Of Time: Morning Cube spinmeister
- Cubenesticism Haskel
- we speak silent AIR_LOMEG
- Down, down again Carosone
- spacetime(whitecube) airtone
- As You Look cag
- hvit vinterlys teru
- Budapest - Oslo - Allen hepepe
- Dance of Light Pixies onlymeith
- Cubic White texasradiofish
- Otra White Cube texasradiofish
- Seraphim of The White Cube anchormejans
- EntreeCarpet Watzmann
- Permafrost Cubique. Will You Face Me? Kaer_Trouz
- Orion in Winter PorchCat
- White Cube (osaeris remix) osaeris
- North Wind Jurgen_Herrmann
- December 2009 onlymeith
- Meaning Of Life onlymeith
- i dropped the song, and it shattered artemisstrong
- We Start As A White Cube Vidian
- WhiteCubeAmbient duckett
- The White Cube ditto
- Darkness Explodes morgantj
- Birth (White Cube) morgantj
- White Cube (mix) Lancefield
- Iceberg 20 Below Loveshadow
- White Cube Art Noise essesq
- Clay flies Nurykabe
- white cube (watching ideas hang) speck
- The White Cube - PELUSA coffeeeurope
- Whitecube - Oh Lord Jurgen_Herrmann
- The White Cube mcjackinthebox
- zero zero : daemon in the cube romancito
- White Cuboid Mint_Machine
- Whitecube 4 Jurgen_Herrmann
- The White Cubed panumoon
- Aurora Borealis (winter lights wandering) CherryGollogoly
- Frost - White -Whitecube Jurgen_Herrmann
- White Cube (Tenny Mix) Tenny
- Diploma on Vimeo
- Minotaur in a Pottery Shop
- Frostgorge Sound's view
- Zion Rock Club on Vimeo
- 2009_12_17 - RAM cam no. I and II
- Cheek full of Courage