- Critical MalfunctionPorchCat
- Ominous NebulaPorchCat
- 8 Sounds, 1 SourcePorchCat
- 2012 11 21 pd dark soundscape 30Morusque
- Trance is gAyfourtrack
- Waves of riverwaves0512
- The Lessness Songztutz
- Undefaulteconomix
- Sound atmosphere inside a former underground military base (v2).ComputerHotline
- Jingle BluesSpeck
- cloudyairtone
- spacetime(whitecube)airtone
- nightingaleRemixedairtone
- disOrderairtone
- H2O instrumentalairtone
- Island Journey SamplesPapa_Zulu
- Stork(Gólya ft Sági Mirjam)error404
- Reclamation FluteKaer Trouz
- the Magic of Diversityjoemaro
- Piano WraithVulpes
- The Future Of FDT2stellarartwars
- MarchMellowduckett
- Welcome to the Pasticheduckett
- inward flamemegamuse
- garage percussionSpeck
- Incomplete Thunderstormcoruscate
- Queen Saul in Halstead (with stellarartwars)Mana Junkie
- Outta Sight (stems)Ass Over Tea Kettle
- Out of Step (stems)Ass Over Tea Kettle
- Maybe Someday Blues (instrumental)oldDog
- peasantsurmymuse
- Neighborhood Afternoon Life (field recording 28 March 2017)Doxent Zsigmond
- brokenWilliam Berry
- Rain, Chimes & FireSnowflake
- Kauai Nature Sounds (birds, ocean, rain, bells, gong) Snowflake
- A Foolish Game (pell)Snowflake
- Lost BeyondPorchCat