The Future Of FDT2
Part of FDT project.
I’ve finally got round to getting another MIDI buss going, which allows me to easily patch in any keyboard or beatbox lying around just like I was recording vocals or guitar.
Part of this project is apllying the “wall of sound” to MIDI- it has some historical precedent in that of the Theatre Organ, such as the one being restored at Boardwalk Hall, which tried to let a keyboardist have a huge orchestra.
Two of the first synths I owned were the Roland MT32 and the Yamaha PSS790. Me and me mate got them off ebay. Amazingly the early, budget MT32 as the bottom of the LA sound line goes for the same price as a JV1080 which is the final flagship one :)
nerd, ain’t I just…
“Two of the first synths I had were the MT32 and PSS590/790. For a non-player at the time, the ability to get a fairly realistic orchestra/backing band to be programmed very cheaply made these two an ideal combination, along with an Atari ST. The three would cost about a grand new at the time, but for many kids of our era into djing and stuff, we’d probably looking a a Christmas present and a chunk of student grant. Both are used on my new tune!”
I’ve finally got round to getting another MIDI buss going, which allows me to easily patch in any keyboard or beatbox lying around just like I was recording vocals or guitar.
Part of this project is apllying the “wall of sound” to MIDI- it has some historical precedent in that of the Theatre Organ, such as the one being restored at Boardwalk Hall, which tried to let a keyboardist have a huge orchestra.
Two of the first synths I owned were the Roland MT32 and the Yamaha PSS790. Me and me mate got them off ebay. Amazingly the early, budget MT32 as the bottom of the LA sound line goes for the same price as a JV1080 which is the final flagship one :)
nerd, ain’t I just…
“Two of the first synths I had were the MT32 and PSS590/790. For a non-player at the time, the ability to get a fairly realistic orchestra/backing band to be programmed very cheaply made these two an ideal combination, along with an Atari ST. The three would cost about a grand new at the time, but for many kids of our era into djing and stuff, we’d probably looking a a Christmas present and a chunk of student grant. Both are used on my new tune!”