
Nasty Woman
The term “Nasty Woman” invokes different mental images based on your Lizard Vision 3000.
Regardless, nasty woman need love too.
Blindly love a nasty woman this Valentine’s Day and everyday!
This Key of Love victimization started as a funkin’ Hunt Down Love project and evolved into blind love for a nasty woman.
ccMixter singers, poets & rappers by phrase:
Hunt Down Love - PorchCat
Give It To Me - coffeeeurope
Blindly Love - Kara
Nasty Woman - J Mitchell
Woman - ejc (voice used as second voice on most of J Mitchell’s “woman”)
Nasty - Coruscate ft James Womack (paired with and precedes the Warrington “nasty”)
Nasty - Robert Warrington (paired with and follows Coruscate/Womack “nasty”)
First rap phrase - 4NSIC
Is it my turn? - Eddie Bingo (emonic)
Baby - Jeremy Car (pitched up 4 steps to hamsterville)
Your Style - Kcentric
Key: some sections are in E and some in Dm.
Regardless, nasty woman need love too.
Blindly love a nasty woman this Valentine’s Day and everyday!
This Key of Love victimization started as a funkin’ Hunt Down Love project and evolved into blind love for a nasty woman.
ccMixter singers, poets & rappers by phrase:
Hunt Down Love - PorchCat
Give It To Me - coffeeeurope
Blindly Love - Kara
Nasty Woman - J Mitchell
Woman - ejc (voice used as second voice on most of J Mitchell’s “woman”)
Nasty - Coruscate ft James Womack (paired with and precedes the Warrington “nasty”)
Nasty - Robert Warrington (paired with and follows Coruscate/Womack “nasty”)
First rap phrase - 4NSIC
Is it my turn? - Eddie Bingo (emonic)
Baby - Jeremy Car (pitched up 4 steps to hamsterville)
Your Style - Kcentric
Key: some sections are in E and some in Dm.
Uses samples from...
- Hunt Down Love Together PorchCat
- Blindly Love mindmapthat
- Whatever Happened To Your Word? (Acapella) coffeeeurope
- Whatever Happened To Your Word? (Acapella) coffeeeurope
- Halloween Ft. James Womack Coruscate
- You're Too Kind RobertWarrington
- My Mother Is Janet Jackson j_mitchell
- New Growth ejc
- GOING NUTS 4nsic
- Dream of You (A Cappella) kcentric
- my turn emonic
- Just One Night JeremyCarr