Three Friends
Inspired by a night while living in Philly. A friend and I stole another to the beach in the middle of the night. We walked along and found a nice little place to sit and talk about life, I observed our chosen places in the sand and Three Friends came about…
We chose our spaces respectively speaking
Facing the places for which our lives were reaching
One night
One night on the shore of life apart
We walked and joked and soaked our feet in the Atlantic’s end
Where currents collide we stride into our distant views
We chose our spaces, respectively speaking
Reflecting the places for which our eyes were streaming
You You chose the land in you sight
You chose the land in your sight
Reaching for ground for roots you have been without
While chemical infusions in an ocean of illusions delusions you left behind
Seeking with your gaze
The sweet repose in the earthy breeze of home
And She
She chose the place in her view
She chose the place in her view
She chooses to see both the land and the sea
both the land and the sea
Undecided she be A life with worries free
She laces her fears in love and her love in fears
weaving the truth of years as she fiercely sacrifices her lonely tears
On the altar of love
In love she finds the bittersweet ease
in an enrapturing breeze of
And I
I chose the ocean in my view
I chose the ocean in my view
Eyes wide open
Flying into the unknown blue
My soul thrown to the winds of a world without a home
We choose our spaces respectively speaking
Facing the places for which our dreams are reaching
We chose our spaces respectively speaking
Facing the places for which our lives were reaching
One night
One night on the shore of life apart
We walked and joked and soaked our feet in the Atlantic’s end
Where currents collide we stride into our distant views
We chose our spaces, respectively speaking
Reflecting the places for which our eyes were streaming
You You chose the land in you sight
You chose the land in your sight
Reaching for ground for roots you have been without
While chemical infusions in an ocean of illusions delusions you left behind
Seeking with your gaze
The sweet repose in the earthy breeze of home
And She
She chose the place in her view
She chose the place in her view
She chooses to see both the land and the sea
both the land and the sea
Undecided she be A life with worries free
She laces her fears in love and her love in fears
weaving the truth of years as she fiercely sacrifices her lonely tears
On the altar of love
In love she finds the bittersweet ease
in an enrapturing breeze of
And I
I chose the ocean in my view
I chose the ocean in my view
Eyes wide open
Flying into the unknown blue
My soul thrown to the winds of a world without a home
We choose our spaces respectively speaking
Facing the places for which our dreams are reaching