To the Mountain
I went to the mountain this summer. August 10th we decided to wake up at 3 in the night to climb a mountain and see the “falling stars” from the top, then see the sunrise from there at 6’30”. I was the one who woke up the others. I searched for an holiday pella and found this one by Snowflake who did it in 2017! (I listened to it some days ago for the 1st time). I had to partecipate to this event.. For lofi I used ‘60 sounds in a garage reverb, and used heavy high shelves in the eqs.
My apologize to Snowflake for having melodyned her (1 semitone higher or lower sometimes) to fit the harmony and rearranged the lyrics’ order.
My apologize to Snowflake for having melodyned her (1 semitone higher or lower sometimes) to fit the harmony and rearranged the lyrics’ order.