This track is the instrumental version which we can release in CC-licence here, incl. the stems for it.
The process of building this track complied to our usual plan: Take an old, unfinished “starter-track” and plug in some vocals which are surely not in the same key. That’s where the funny part starts ;-)
For the notes: This one is in F phrygian.
Actually, our “official” version incorporates vocals by Rachel K Collier of her track „Poison“, which were provided by a remix event sometime ago.
You can listen to it here: 7OOP3D - Rachel K Collier - Poison (Poisonized)
With luv from Hamburg
The process of building this track complied to our usual plan: Take an old, unfinished “starter-track” and plug in some vocals which are surely not in the same key. That’s where the funny part starts ;-)
For the notes: This one is in F phrygian.
Actually, our “official” version incorporates vocals by Rachel K Collier of her track „Poison“, which were provided by a remix event sometime ago.
You can listen to it here: 7OOP3D - Rachel K Collier - Poison (Poisonized)
With luv from Hamburg