
Thanks for visiting my ccMixter page!
I joined ccMixter in 2006 after searching the net for a place to find music I could use in a podcast I was producing at the time. I’ve been hooked ever since, and I’m proud to now be serving on the ccMixter admin team.
My page here is filled with remixes, pells and samples, but if you’re looking for a curated release, check out Expand Your Horizons, which features a collection of 13 songs and is available for streaming across all major distribution platforms.

Currently I’m making music in my home studio in Ventura CA. I’m walking distance from the ocean and from the Avant Garden at Art City.
Please check out my other pages online and let me know that you’re out there spinning my tracks, and which ones you chose to share. And if you have any questions regarding ccMixter, the culture, the bells and whistles, anything at all, write me here and I’ll be happy to help.
Jason Brock

