Pure Positive Meditation - Whale Song
Whale Wizard
This song is a choir of male Humpbacks, as they spread out over the ocean basin, singing the same song in a loop over and over again. The song recorded by Oscar is exactly as the whales sung it, it is not looped through any editing of his. With less boat traffic on the date of this recording (13 February 2012) the whales were able to connect to one another through sound, and add more voices to the whale song choir as they spread further apart in the Bay — synchronizing the phrases of the song with voiced variations.
This song documents how whales can transform the musical structure of a communication system in order to relate to their environment and each other, in a natural and harmonic way.
Download the FLAC file here.
Pure Positive Meditation Commentary HERE.
This song documents how whales can transform the musical structure of a communication system in order to relate to their environment and each other, in a natural and harmonic way.
Download the FLAC file here.
Pure Positive Meditation Commentary HERE.