B L U E S K I E S & B L O O D R E D E Y E S
PS This song/pella is when someone leaves you for something new and shiny, thinking they could just simply switch things off and forget.
W R O N G.
Hiiii! I know I’ve been quiet for a while - it’s been I N T E N S E with moving houses (my last house was abusive towards me - and I just had to leave)
And now safely ensconced close to where I study and work xx
I was supposed to upload this for the Halloween Mixer - but just kept delaying it ‘til it was too late.
I hope it isn’t too late (in general!)
Because of this, I promise to upload (promise to myself!) 3 more pellas that need loving homes!
Thank YOU all so much for welcoming me so warmly when things were going so deeply awry! (Read: Terrible)
You have inspired and envigorated me more than I can really say xxxx
W R O N G.
Hiiii! I know I’ve been quiet for a while - it’s been I N T E N S E with moving houses (my last house was abusive towards me - and I just had to leave)
And now safely ensconced close to where I study and work xx
I was supposed to upload this for the Halloween Mixer - but just kept delaying it ‘til it was too late.
I hope it isn’t too late (in general!)
Because of this, I promise to upload (promise to myself!) 3 more pellas that need loving homes!
Thank YOU all so much for welcoming me so warmly when things were going so deeply awry! (Read: Terrible)
You have inspired and envigorated me more than I can really say xxxx