On the Bridge (lower fidelty mix)
Created a 1970s 33 rpm fidelity mix.
At the next to last stage of the master track, added the Waves Studer J37 tape saturation plugin set to the 15” speed using the Abbey Road Default preset.
At the last stage of the master track added the freeware Izotope Vinyl plugin set to a new, fesh out of the sleeve 1970s 33 rpm record (no dust, no warp, no wear, no scratches).
Given the stereo synth bass on the mix, went with a martini (stirred), two olives, and the more synthesizer friendly 1970’s technology modeling instead of a martini and the lower fidelity 60s modeling. Synthesizer friendly 1970s model or not, Vinyl cut off the low end of synth bass and kick. Transients are lessened as well.
At the next to last stage of the master track, added the Waves Studer J37 tape saturation plugin set to the 15” speed using the Abbey Road Default preset.
At the last stage of the master track added the freeware Izotope Vinyl plugin set to a new, fesh out of the sleeve 1970s 33 rpm record (no dust, no warp, no wear, no scratches).
Given the stereo synth bass on the mix, went with a martini (stirred), two olives, and the more synthesizer friendly 1970’s technology modeling instead of a martini and the lower fidelity 60s modeling. Synthesizer friendly 1970s model or not, Vinyl cut off the low end of synth bass and kick. Transients are lessened as well.