Woof Woof
Jammin’ with ZZ Quark
Powered up the Korg TR keyboard to noodle around with Quarkstar’s Zip, the recent secret remix of our remix entitled Estalactite. Started having fun with the groove and added more jammers. No structured song intended just jammin’ with Quarkstar.
The Quarkestra
Rhythm section - Quarkstar (Zip the seret remix)
Vocals - Analog by Nature
Korg TR organ and piano - Electronico
Lead Guitars - ElRon XChile, unreal_DM
Rhythm guitar - unreal_DM
Banjo - Copperhead
Harmonica (left) - Bluemillemium
Harmonica (right) - Alex Beroza
Bell - CSoul
Garage Percussion (percussive transient layer) - Speck
Horns - Bay St. Louis Horns (aka samples pieced together from our sample library)
Powered up the Korg TR keyboard to noodle around with Quarkstar’s Zip, the recent secret remix of our remix entitled Estalactite. Started having fun with the groove and added more jammers. No structured song intended just jammin’ with Quarkstar.
The Quarkestra
Rhythm section - Quarkstar (Zip the seret remix)
Vocals - Analog by Nature
Korg TR organ and piano - Electronico
Lead Guitars - ElRon XChile, unreal_DM
Rhythm guitar - unreal_DM
Banjo - Copperhead
Harmonica (left) - Bluemillemium
Harmonica (right) - Alex Beroza
Bell - CSoul
Garage Percussion (percussive transient layer) - Speck
Horns - Bay St. Louis Horns (aka samples pieced together from our sample library)
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