Broomsticks and Bitches
Shakespeare and FORENSIC,
ElRon and Admiral Bob,
Effluence in the house
Genesis of the song
While working on an unrelated song collecting a cappellas to slice and dice, ran across Scary Girl by 4NSIC and decided try it with some beats and loops. Discovered a laid back jazz track that created an interesting downtempo accompaniment for Scary Girl.
Listening to 4NSIC talk about running away from what they deemed an undesirable woman, decided to remove unflattering comments about the woman referenced in Scary Girl and integrate a woman’s view. But, not a women to be ridiculed. A bitch. Or better yet, a witch. Maybe a very capable witch. Searched for a woman not to be ridiculed by rappers, found Broomsticks and Bitches and I Want to Lick by Effluence. The new story line was on.
If you think you hear a beat dropped at the end of every couple of dozen bars, it is a laid back glitch effect to go with a laid back track.
To break the repetitiveness of the backing track, cut out a C# note from Admiral Bob’s Objective C# and pasted it into the song as three notes: C#, B and G#. Also, did the same with a note cut out of a recent ElRon recording. Blended the two guitars together for all but one sequence where only the Admiral is featured.
Looking though our library to find some voices to track with the three guitars notes, found some helpful female voices to add some musical color.
At this point, the song was ready for mixing and mastering but maybe a witch’s cackle and some words from witches would be fun. While looking for cackles, found the opening scene from Macbeth and a cackle on freesound.org. Cut, pasted and mangled Shakespeare and the cackle into the intro.
1. Broomsticks and Bitches courtesy of Effluence and looperman.com
2. I Want to Lick courtesy of Effluence and looperman.com
3. Macbeth witches courtesy of klankbeeld and freesound.org http://www.freesound.org/pe...
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
4. Witches cackle courtesy of MadamVicious and freesound.org http://www.freesound.org/pe...
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.
ElRon and Admiral Bob,
Effluence in the house
Genesis of the song
While working on an unrelated song collecting a cappellas to slice and dice, ran across Scary Girl by 4NSIC and decided try it with some beats and loops. Discovered a laid back jazz track that created an interesting downtempo accompaniment for Scary Girl.
Listening to 4NSIC talk about running away from what they deemed an undesirable woman, decided to remove unflattering comments about the woman referenced in Scary Girl and integrate a woman’s view. But, not a women to be ridiculed. A bitch. Or better yet, a witch. Maybe a very capable witch. Searched for a woman not to be ridiculed by rappers, found Broomsticks and Bitches and I Want to Lick by Effluence. The new story line was on.
If you think you hear a beat dropped at the end of every couple of dozen bars, it is a laid back glitch effect to go with a laid back track.
To break the repetitiveness of the backing track, cut out a C# note from Admiral Bob’s Objective C# and pasted it into the song as three notes: C#, B and G#. Also, did the same with a note cut out of a recent ElRon recording. Blended the two guitars together for all but one sequence where only the Admiral is featured.
Looking though our library to find some voices to track with the three guitars notes, found some helpful female voices to add some musical color.
At this point, the song was ready for mixing and mastering but maybe a witch’s cackle and some words from witches would be fun. While looking for cackles, found the opening scene from Macbeth and a cackle on freesound.org. Cut, pasted and mangled Shakespeare and the cackle into the intro.
1. Broomsticks and Bitches courtesy of Effluence and looperman.com
2. I Want to Lick courtesy of Effluence and looperman.com
3. Macbeth witches courtesy of klankbeeld and freesound.org http://www.freesound.org/pe...
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
4. Witches cackle courtesy of MadamVicious and freesound.org http://www.freesound.org/pe...
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.