Ok, You Win (A Passive Aggressive Concession To 2017)
Thanks once again to unreal_dm for providing such great material to play with. I know my singing/playing doesn’t rise to his level of talent. But it sure is fun trying.
The words:
I’m sick and I’m tired
and I’ve given up hope
Narcissism and dementia
is a slippery slope
I can’t remain peaceful
and still read the news
So I’m deleting the bookmark
that’s feeding the blues
It seems pretty obvious
the people in charge
have no problem screwing
the people at large
Ok, you win
I can’t fight you
There’s no point in thinking
there’s going to be change
The greedy are happy
with a mind that’s deranged
I’m getting too old
to handle the stress
What is the point
if we have no redress
I hope in the future
love and logic have clout
but for self-preservation
in the meantime I’m out
Gettin’ too old
My heart can’t take it
Ok, you win
I can’t take it
Aren’t you proud
The words:
I’m sick and I’m tired
and I’ve given up hope
Narcissism and dementia
is a slippery slope
I can’t remain peaceful
and still read the news
So I’m deleting the bookmark
that’s feeding the blues
It seems pretty obvious
the people in charge
have no problem screwing
the people at large
Ok, you win
I can’t fight you
There’s no point in thinking
there’s going to be change
The greedy are happy
with a mind that’s deranged
I’m getting too old
to handle the stress
What is the point
if we have no redress
I hope in the future
love and logic have clout
but for self-preservation
in the meantime I’m out
Gettin’ too old
My heart can’t take it
Ok, you win
I can’t take it
Aren’t you proud