WakeUp WakeUp (From The American Dream)
Inspired this morning by Stefan Kartenberg’s version of Scomber’s American Dream. Big thanks to both of them and to Martijn and Javo who are always inspiring. I used Martijn’s version of Bloozemotif as is (except for repeating a section near the end).
The words:
The American dream has become a nightmare
Did you happen to notice
Nobody who’s fair and nobody who’s smart
would want to be the potus
And who can blame them
What’s the point
of trying to please every nutjob
The unfortunate fall-out
from this apathetic mess
is that narcissistic liars
can compete to be the best
How can there be a best
when there isn’t even a good
I’ve never seen these people
in my neighborhood
Just where do they come from
these privileged elites
and how does that qualify them
to care about the streets
They tell you they do
but don’t believe them for a minute
Power and greed
is the only reason they’re in it
If I have to hear more
I may need a prescription
They lie like they breathe
It’s their job description
So basically yes
we must fend for ourselves
while they spend all our money
on ‘defense’ and themselves
And members of congress
My god have you seen um
I don’t think they could muster
a scruple between um
They do what they’re paid to
by pharma and oil
and anyone else
who don’t care what they spoil
as long as their riches
continue to grow
they’ll lie and they’ll cheat
and they’ll keep up the show
and people like me
who care and can think
are unfortunately outnumbered
by the mentally weak
being led in their thoughts
by their masterful liar
doesn’t bode well for mankind
let’s hope there is something higher
Wake up wake up
from the American dream
There’s bombing to do
and hard drives to clean
Wake up wake up
from the American dream
Eat your Post Toastees
and take Thorazine
Wake up wake up
from the American dream
Step out of your jammies
and into the machine
Wake up wake up
from the American dream
Pull a lever for the hell of it
There’s no golden mean
The words:
The American dream has become a nightmare
Did you happen to notice
Nobody who’s fair and nobody who’s smart
would want to be the potus
And who can blame them
What’s the point
of trying to please every nutjob
The unfortunate fall-out
from this apathetic mess
is that narcissistic liars
can compete to be the best
How can there be a best
when there isn’t even a good
I’ve never seen these people
in my neighborhood
Just where do they come from
these privileged elites
and how does that qualify them
to care about the streets
They tell you they do
but don’t believe them for a minute
Power and greed
is the only reason they’re in it
If I have to hear more
I may need a prescription
They lie like they breathe
It’s their job description
So basically yes
we must fend for ourselves
while they spend all our money
on ‘defense’ and themselves
And members of congress
My god have you seen um
I don’t think they could muster
a scruple between um
They do what they’re paid to
by pharma and oil
and anyone else
who don’t care what they spoil
as long as their riches
continue to grow
they’ll lie and they’ll cheat
and they’ll keep up the show
and people like me
who care and can think
are unfortunately outnumbered
by the mentally weak
being led in their thoughts
by their masterful liar
doesn’t bode well for mankind
let’s hope there is something higher
Wake up wake up
from the American dream
There’s bombing to do
and hard drives to clean
Wake up wake up
from the American dream
Eat your Post Toastees
and take Thorazine
Wake up wake up
from the American dream
Step out of your jammies
and into the machine
Wake up wake up
from the American dream
Pull a lever for the hell of it
There’s no golden mean