Delighted to be assigned debbizo for the secret mixer, and spent several hours listening to her catalogue: wild synthesizer loops, snippets and riffs from a great variety of other instruments, plus a whole bunch of insightful poetry.
Experimented with various combinations, then settled on a mix combining various instruments with the Penelope Sailing poem. So very glad to set this particular poem to music; I remember, when I finally got round to reading the Odyssey a few years back, I was shocked by the blatantly patriarchal violence it embodies and celebrates. The main character a devious philanderer, who likes to slaughter lambs in honour of the gods, and on his return home to Ithaca, carries out a huge and bloody massacre. I was also shocked by the Iliad, long passages of which read like a snuff movie.
(I hope I am not offending any classicists reading this!)
Some of the samples were overdriven/distorted, and I would have liked to have smoothed them out, but I lack the skills to so do, and perhaps that lends a nice edginess to the track.
Poem: Penelope Sailing
Backing Vox: Emerging Vocals2
Obott Drum
Piano loop
Synth bells
FX: Iceverb, Reverb, Pulse Phaser, Delay
Mixed in Traktor & Audacity
the poem is here
I wasn’t able to find it on the search box, perhaps because it s 2010?
(ditto the synth bells)
Experimented with various combinations, then settled on a mix combining various instruments with the Penelope Sailing poem. So very glad to set this particular poem to music; I remember, when I finally got round to reading the Odyssey a few years back, I was shocked by the blatantly patriarchal violence it embodies and celebrates. The main character a devious philanderer, who likes to slaughter lambs in honour of the gods, and on his return home to Ithaca, carries out a huge and bloody massacre. I was also shocked by the Iliad, long passages of which read like a snuff movie.
(I hope I am not offending any classicists reading this!)
Some of the samples were overdriven/distorted, and I would have liked to have smoothed them out, but I lack the skills to so do, and perhaps that lends a nice edginess to the track.
Poem: Penelope Sailing
Backing Vox: Emerging Vocals2
Obott Drum
Piano loop
Synth bells
FX: Iceverb, Reverb, Pulse Phaser, Delay
Mixed in Traktor & Audacity
the poem is here
I wasn’t able to find it on the search box, perhaps because it s 2010?
(ditto the synth bells)