
Parallel Pathways
For the first time, I drew the same person I had last time — which was a HUGE thrill for me! (i know this has happened to others but this is a first for me…)
Ant.Survila is someone I could create with over and over again. His dramatic chords and cinematic sounds inspire my writing in a very unique way.
Ant’s beautifully flawless stems were incredible to work with! I played djembe, clarinet, and harmonium along with him.
Parallel Pathways
by Madam Snowflake
I live two different lives
Between two shades of sky
I fly
Drawn upon two distinct lines
Defined by two separate times
I fly
One in the city
One with the land
One filled with music
One covered in sand
I don’t understand
How could I understand
The City of Angels
Where my art was found
To warm island sunrise
Feet bare on the ground
My soul won’t forget
I haven’t shrugged just yet
I’m living two different lives
Under two shades of sky
I fly
Drawn upon two distinct lines
Defined by two separate times
I fly
I can’t grow roots
I got no roots
I can’t grow roots
I’m constantly repotted
I’m living two different lives
Under two shades of sky
Drawn upon two distinct lines
Defined by two separate times
I fly
I fly
I fly
No one feels sorry for me
Pulling, stretching, expanding
My wavering capacity
Somatic anxiety
But don’t feel sorry for me
As I’m spiraling
Spiraling 🌀
Parallel pathways
Will they converge
Zigzagging this maze
What will through me emerge?
As I’m wandering
Eclosing, swinging between
I’m living two different lives
Under two shades of sky
I fly
Drawn upon two distinct lines
Defined by two separate times
I fly
I fly
I fly
I fly
Ant.Survila is someone I could create with over and over again. His dramatic chords and cinematic sounds inspire my writing in a very unique way.
Ant’s beautifully flawless stems were incredible to work with! I played djembe, clarinet, and harmonium along with him.
Parallel Pathways
by Madam Snowflake
I live two different lives
Between two shades of sky
I fly
Drawn upon two distinct lines
Defined by two separate times
I fly
One in the city
One with the land
One filled with music
One covered in sand
I don’t understand
How could I understand
The City of Angels
Where my art was found
To warm island sunrise
Feet bare on the ground
My soul won’t forget
I haven’t shrugged just yet
I’m living two different lives
Under two shades of sky
I fly
Drawn upon two distinct lines
Defined by two separate times
I fly
I can’t grow roots
I got no roots
I can’t grow roots
I’m constantly repotted
I’m living two different lives
Under two shades of sky
Drawn upon two distinct lines
Defined by two separate times
I fly
I fly
I fly
No one feels sorry for me
Pulling, stretching, expanding
My wavering capacity
Somatic anxiety
But don’t feel sorry for me
As I’m spiraling
Spiraling 🌀
Parallel pathways
Will they converge
Zigzagging this maze
What will through me emerge?
As I’m wandering
Eclosing, swinging between
I’m living two different lives
Under two shades of sky
I fly
Drawn upon two distinct lines
Defined by two separate times
I fly
I fly
I fly
I fly