Moon Worshipper (stone tablet vibe)
Not sure if this qualifies as a remix, but the other night, I was driving down a dark road, only dark because the trees blocked the light of the full moon, once I emerged from the cover the entire road was illuminated. Just then off in the distance through the woods, I saw strange lights seemingly dancing, so I stopped and got out of the car to investigate. I followed the lights through the woods to a clearing…I remained on the edge of the clearing hidden by the brush, but in that clearing they could all be seen, Moonbyrn, The Stefsax QuarterMoonTet, and the KCentric Moon Monks. I had discovered their secret. Hidden in the woods, I watched the pagan ceremony unfold, oddly the rain and thunder poured without a cloud in the sky…it seemed to come straight from the light of the full moon, which somehow focused itself on the moon worshippers, somehow channeled by their sonic cult.
I don’t remember how I got home that night, and when I woke up the next day, I thought it surely must be a dream, yet the entire scene was so vividly locked in my memory. So I went back and visited the clearing and there it was, a white flattened stone, circular in shape with shallow grooves etched into it. I brought it home placed it on my turntable and when I put the needle to the groove, this track played…a recording of every sound that could be heard during the moon worshipper ceremony. Now their secret is known.
I don’t remember how I got home that night, and when I woke up the next day, I thought it surely must be a dream, yet the entire scene was so vividly locked in my memory. So I went back and visited the clearing and there it was, a white flattened stone, circular in shape with shallow grooves etched into it. I brought it home placed it on my turntable and when I put the needle to the groove, this track played…a recording of every sound that could be heard during the moon worshipper ceremony. Now their secret is known.