Tocharian C
I came up with this weird mode
and made it my One in the key of C.
You can think of it as having
the third of major and minor,
the seven of the dominant scale,
and the b5 or #4 of blues/jazz, or
the major and diminished scales
mixed into one.
So, you can use the standard
major/minor, dominant major/minor,
and major/minorb5, and diminished
chords of the I.
In the end, I like the theory
better than the practice of it
It should work like this if
I did it right:
1 #2 3 #4 5 6 b7
c d# e f# g a bb
1 3 5
iiib5 D# F# A
iiib7 E G Bb
ivo F# A C
v G Bb D#
vi+ A C E
VII+ Bb D# F#
Lots of samples on this one.
The drums should be in 7/8 at
the beginning and gradually layered
with a quarter note pattern.
Just split it up into
eigth notes and it’ll make sense.
I came up with this weird mode
and made it my One in the key of C.
You can think of it as having
the third of major and minor,
the seven of the dominant scale,
and the b5 or #4 of blues/jazz, or
the major and diminished scales
mixed into one.
So, you can use the standard
major/minor, dominant major/minor,
and major/minorb5, and diminished
chords of the I.
In the end, I like the theory
better than the practice of it
It should work like this if
I did it right:
1 #2 3 #4 5 6 b7
c d# e f# g a bb
1 3 5
iiib5 D# F# A
iiib7 E G Bb
ivo F# A C
v G Bb D#
vi+ A C E
VII+ Bb D# F#
Lots of samples on this one.
The drums should be in 7/8 at
the beginning and gradually layered
with a quarter note pattern.
Just split it up into
eigth notes and it’ll make sense.