Mirror Mirror
The title track for my newly released cc licensed serialized fiction sci fi-fantasy e novel/concept album - “Mirror Mirror”
Read the latest chapter and listen to the songs at my blog page or go directly to scribd.com to subscribe read or download. Thanks!
Mirror Mirror
If I
could look away
and see you in the mirror
all I’d have to say
The image of your face
reflects away
in space its seems
you’re just a hundred miles away
Where shadows cast and ride
reflection is deception
if you choose to hide
the mirror in our way
If only God could hear us now
we might be OK
I’ve seen in the news today
the planets are aligning
in peculiar ways
I’ve climbed upon the breadnife
for the stars that play
and echoed thoughts
of fathers long gone yesterday
Where shadows cast and ride
reflection is deception
if you choose to hide
the mirror in our way
If only God could help us now
We might be OK
right to stay
Where shadows cast and ride
reflection is deception
if you choose to hide
the mirror in our way
If only they could hear us now
We might be OK
Scomber 2010
Mirror Mirror A serialized e novel/concept album
Read the latest chapter and listen to the songs at my blog page or go directly to scribd.com to subscribe read or download. Thanks!
Mirror Mirror
If I
could look away
and see you in the mirror
all I’d have to say
The image of your face
reflects away
in space its seems
you’re just a hundred miles away
Where shadows cast and ride
reflection is deception
if you choose to hide
the mirror in our way
If only God could hear us now
we might be OK
I’ve seen in the news today
the planets are aligning
in peculiar ways
I’ve climbed upon the breadnife
for the stars that play
and echoed thoughts
of fathers long gone yesterday
Where shadows cast and ride
reflection is deception
if you choose to hide
the mirror in our way
If only God could help us now
We might be OK
right to stay
Where shadows cast and ride
reflection is deception
if you choose to hide
the mirror in our way
If only they could hear us now
We might be OK
Scomber 2010
Mirror Mirror A serialized e novel/concept album