Lady of Shalott (Down to Camelot)
Ivan Chew
I’m not a singer, and the guitar playing is far from perfect. Needs a bass track. Anyway these are the individual track layers from this earlier song that I did in 2006. Lyrics are selected verses from Lord Alfred Tennyson’s “Lady of Shalott” (can I list him as an unwitting collaborator?). This song came about quite unplanned. I was still new to GarageBand (GB) then. Was strumming some basic guitar chords and then decided to record into GB with a percussion (shaker) layer. Then hooked up a microphone as I wanted to learn how to record vocal tracks in GB. I didn’t specifically planned to record a song. It was because I hummed a tune and it seemed to fit. In a flash I decided I needed lyrics and a yellowed copy of “Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson” was sitting on my bookshelf. And that’s that. Actually, if it wasn’t for narva9, I wouldn’t be uploading this but that’s another matter :)