Too Big Daps and Dirty Faces
Firstly thanks to everyone who reviewed and sent good wishes on my return and to those who emailed me.
I must however quash the rumour that I left when I found out that I was Loveshadows Love child!! The thought is not totally unappealing and if the old man wants too I will happily call him Daddy!
I’ve done the usual again and twisted the original vox around and taken LS up a few tones on the richter scale. I think he sounds a bit like Gerry Rafferty on this one.
As to where I’ve been. Well for the moment lets just say it was a case of contracts and something I contracted.
I must however quash the rumour that I left when I found out that I was Loveshadows Love child!! The thought is not totally unappealing and if the old man wants too I will happily call him Daddy!
I’ve done the usual again and twisted the original vox around and taken LS up a few tones on the richter scale. I think he sounds a bit like Gerry Rafferty on this one.
As to where I’ve been. Well for the moment lets just say it was a case of contracts and something I contracted.