I recently read “The Tao of Pooh”. Enough said :-)
This is just the vocal track..we’ve uploaded separate files for bass and guitars as well as a sketch track to see how the live perfomance usually sounds.
Remixes always welcome and comments greatly appreciated. Let us know if you want a different delivery, tempo, singer….will suit to order!
A hundred billion random thoughts,
A billion brains
An idea worth a trillion coins
worth less than one sacred heart
The road forks in many ways
The paths are all untread
The end is near the end is near
At least that’s what they say
Seven oceans I have sailed
A thousand miles I’ve crawled
Seeking heaven in a hundred arms
But peace I have not found
The speak of the one
the one who knows the way
But all I see is the road ahead
No guide to lead the way
All the paths lead to me
For I’m the only one
But I am you and you are me
So we are not alone
Seven oceans….
This is just the vocal track..we’ve uploaded separate files for bass and guitars as well as a sketch track to see how the live perfomance usually sounds.
Remixes always welcome and comments greatly appreciated. Let us know if you want a different delivery, tempo, singer….will suit to order!
A hundred billion random thoughts,
A billion brains
An idea worth a trillion coins
worth less than one sacred heart
The road forks in many ways
The paths are all untread
The end is near the end is near
At least that’s what they say
Seven oceans I have sailed
A thousand miles I’ve crawled
Seeking heaven in a hundred arms
But peace I have not found
The speak of the one
the one who knows the way
But all I see is the road ahead
No guide to lead the way
All the paths lead to me
For I’m the only one
But I am you and you are me
So we are not alone
Seven oceans….