Deep Under
Two times in a row, luck chose Vidian for me to remix.
This time I decided to take another approach than last time, when I dug for stems in Vidians rich number of uploads. I moreless randomly listened to songs and whenever I thaught “this could fit somehow” I downloaded it. Eight songs made it to my disc.
Then I started chopping. To be honest: Compared with Scomber’s Mana Junkie remix I’m once again in the kindergarten league. But hey, I finally dare to compare myself with Scomber. :)
Which brings me back to my remix. One of Vidian’s song features a pella by Scomber’s daughter. Since the last second was a little bit to unclean for me to work with, I used the original upload - and generalized it a bit by removing the word “boy”. Now it’s even more trouble.
I kept the remix quite short - nearly radio ready. This removed a lot of possibilities to play with, but well, wasn’t this mixter mission to “embrace the spirit of trying new things”?
The whole remix is pure samples, nothing new added by me. Just a lot of cutting, pitching, reordering and tons of effects.
This time I decided to take another approach than last time, when I dug for stems in Vidians rich number of uploads. I moreless randomly listened to songs and whenever I thaught “this could fit somehow” I downloaded it. Eight songs made it to my disc.
Then I started chopping. To be honest: Compared with Scomber’s Mana Junkie remix I’m once again in the kindergarten league. But hey, I finally dare to compare myself with Scomber. :)
Which brings me back to my remix. One of Vidian’s song features a pella by Scomber’s daughter. Since the last second was a little bit to unclean for me to work with, I used the original upload - and generalized it a bit by removing the word “boy”. Now it’s even more trouble.
I kept the remix quite short - nearly radio ready. This removed a lot of possibilities to play with, but well, wasn’t this mixter mission to “embrace the spirit of trying new things”?
The whole remix is pure samples, nothing new added by me. Just a lot of cutting, pitching, reordering and tons of effects.