Big Guardian Angel
MC Jack in the Box
as a gentle, cool ocean breeze blows through my open window, unplugged from santa cruz, california.
i was doing some live recording tonight and decided to give this a go, since i’ve had scott’s awesome poptastic mix stuck in my head all day today. i added a few guitar tracks, bass, and some really hard to hear (on purpose) oohs and oohs.
i’ll throw the source tracks up soon. it’s late and i have to bounce them all down.
i was doing some live recording tonight and decided to give this a go, since i’ve had scott’s awesome poptastic mix stuck in my head all day today. i added a few guitar tracks, bass, and some really hard to hear (on purpose) oohs and oohs.
i’ll throw the source tracks up soon. it’s late and i have to bounce them all down.