Breathing in
Chapter 1-Our hero tries to discover who he is. He looks inside himself and finds only static. Outside voices are all willing to offer perspective, but can only tell him what he is, not who he is. His so called friends and family ridicule him for his unwillingness to simply tow the line and enjoy his many material things. This merely isolates him and makes his struggle feel all the more urgent. He swears never to become just another bitter, cynical materialist.
Chapter 2-He struggles to escape the machine that modern life has built around him, and to get out of the endless cycle of producing and consuming. He quits his job and slowly cuts off ties with the people he feels led him astray.
He feels as though he discovers who he is and rejoices in a new found love for life and everything in it. He is nothing more than an accident of birth. Instead of breaking his spirit, he feels the wheight of the world lift off his shoulders. He is finally free.
However, it’s only a matter of time before his new found philosophy has left him broke, unemployed and completely dependent on other people, none of whom are sympathetic to his situation. Instead, the people around him feel he deserves his fate, given the choices he made. If he is to get back on his feet, he must return to the machine and become who he was before he became enlightened.
Chapter 3-He goes for a walk to try and clear his head, and winds up on a bridge. He looks down at the water and asks himself if it’s all been worth it. After much reflection, he decides that it has, and that his has been a life well spent. Feeling that he would be ending his story on a positive note, he leaps off the edge and plunges into the water below.
Chapter 2-He struggles to escape the machine that modern life has built around him, and to get out of the endless cycle of producing and consuming. He quits his job and slowly cuts off ties with the people he feels led him astray.
He feels as though he discovers who he is and rejoices in a new found love for life and everything in it. He is nothing more than an accident of birth. Instead of breaking his spirit, he feels the wheight of the world lift off his shoulders. He is finally free.
However, it’s only a matter of time before his new found philosophy has left him broke, unemployed and completely dependent on other people, none of whom are sympathetic to his situation. Instead, the people around him feel he deserves his fate, given the choices he made. If he is to get back on his feet, he must return to the machine and become who he was before he became enlightened.
Chapter 3-He goes for a walk to try and clear his head, and winds up on a bridge. He looks down at the water and asks himself if it’s all been worth it. After much reflection, he decides that it has, and that his has been a life well spent. Feeling that he would be ending his story on a positive note, he leaps off the edge and plunges into the water below.