Shakedown (A Little Bird Told Me)
I was so nervous going into secret mixter! I thought so hard on it…what if I get someone who is hard to remix? What if I mess up hardcore? I also forgot to think of the fact that I was moving over the time allotted for the assignment…
When I got my assignment to mix error404 I practically did a dance of glee. I’m such a huge fan…and it only took a very short stroll through the uploads before I just started dropping things into a sequencer and with very little editing came out with this.
The lyrics are rather nonsensical, and I apologize for that…but my more involved storytelling lyrics take time that I just didn’t have for this. Anyway, I thought it worked out well and I tried to go with the vibe of a playground double-dutch rhyme.
Thank you error404, for all your awesome uploads. This was a ton of fun. :)
When I got my assignment to mix error404 I practically did a dance of glee. I’m such a huge fan…and it only took a very short stroll through the uploads before I just started dropping things into a sequencer and with very little editing came out with this.
The lyrics are rather nonsensical, and I apologize for that…but my more involved storytelling lyrics take time that I just didn’t have for this. Anyway, I thought it worked out well and I tried to go with the vibe of a playground double-dutch rhyme.
Thank you error404, for all your awesome uploads. This was a ton of fun. :)