Victoria Summer Morning
“Summer is gone with all its roses,
Its sun and perfumes and sweet flowers,
Its warm air and refreshing showers:
And even Autumn closes”.
—Christina G. Rossetti
” She knew that she loved him with all her heart; that it would nearly kill her to part with him; that she had heard his renewed offer with an ecstasy of joy. She acknowledged to herself that he was giving proof of his devotion as strong as any which a girl could receive from her lover.
And yet she could hardly bring herself to say the word he longed to hear. That word once said, and then she knew that she must succumb to her love for ever! That word once said, and there would be nothing for her but to spoil him with her idolatry! That word once said, and she must continue to repeat it into his ears, till perhaps he might be tired
of hearing it! And now he had threatened her, and how could she speak it after that? She certainly would not speak it unless he asked her again without such threat. And so they walked on again in silence”.
—Anthony Trollope, from “The Parson’s Daughter of Oxney Colne”
This song was created using the charming thumb piano sample as the sound to fuel the little keyboard melody created on the Sawcutter softsynth.
Additional sample: from soundtransit.nl, sample 0104, by
Phil Thomson, “hornby island birds and bees an a car”, a creative commons sample for which I am grateful.
Its sun and perfumes and sweet flowers,
Its warm air and refreshing showers:
And even Autumn closes”.
—Christina G. Rossetti
” She knew that she loved him with all her heart; that it would nearly kill her to part with him; that she had heard his renewed offer with an ecstasy of joy. She acknowledged to herself that he was giving proof of his devotion as strong as any which a girl could receive from her lover.
And yet she could hardly bring herself to say the word he longed to hear. That word once said, and then she knew that she must succumb to her love for ever! That word once said, and there would be nothing for her but to spoil him with her idolatry! That word once said, and she must continue to repeat it into his ears, till perhaps he might be tired
of hearing it! And now he had threatened her, and how could she speak it after that? She certainly would not speak it unless he asked her again without such threat. And so they walked on again in silence”.
—Anthony Trollope, from “The Parson’s Daughter of Oxney Colne”
This song was created using the charming thumb piano sample as the sound to fuel the little keyboard melody created on the Sawcutter softsynth.
Additional sample: from soundtransit.nl, sample 0104, by
Phil Thomson, “hornby island birds and bees an a car”, a creative commons sample for which I am grateful.