Sunrise (duckno mix)
Well, gang- I’m no master of EDM, but Mr. Ellinas’ recent treats inspired me, and I thought it would be fun to give it a whirl; if this isn’t technically “techno”, my apologies- feel free to clue me in on what genre this should actually be tagged under. My thanks to Colin Owens for coming up with that bassline almost 20 years ago ;-)
*Note: I tried taking some pointers from those kindly folks who commented; it may still not be a thing of beauty, but it’s at least a little more interesting- the new version was headphones-only, so if there’s any speaker-headaches, let me know…
*Note: I tried taking some pointers from those kindly folks who commented; it may still not be a thing of beauty, but it’s at least a little more interesting- the new version was headphones-only, so if there’s any speaker-headaches, let me know…