Meditation-Visual Relaxation
Debby Rosenberg
This is a visualization technique.
Once you get the idea of the process I recommend you enhance and customize the scenes to suit your own taste. Perhaps you prefer a hammock in a grass meadow, or a rocking chair on a porch overlooking a river, perhaps there is a gentle spring rain.
It is best, to look within yourself for these answers because your own mind, memories, and peace related scenarios are unique to you and your mind and body will respond even deeper to your own imagination.
This simple exercise will strengthen your visualization skills, relax your mind and body, provide a basic introduction to lucid dreaming and the out of body sensation, and most importantly re-connect you to peace in your world.
the words:
take a deep breath, exhale,
and think these words
I am relaxed
imagine this scene before you
a cozy room with a lit fireplace
and an easy chair facing the fire
become aware of yourself
walking towards this chair
arrive at the chair and sit in it
become aware of your arms
resting on the armrests and
the warmth of the fire on your face
you feel comfortable
take a deep breath, exhale,
and think these words
I am relaxed
become aware of your skin
as it senses the warmth from the fire
and notice the sounds of
the wood burning
you are at peace here
allow yourself time
to relax into this peace
it feels so good, comfortable
and safe
become aware now of your inner self
your spirit, it is light and hovers
within you, and now it feels like a floating sensation, and it is gently lifting away from your body. let it go while your body continues to relax in the chair
notice the spirit now appearing and standing in front of you
it is translucent and shimmering,
in an instant you easily shift your awareness and become the spirit and see through its eyes you are
looking at your body
relaxing in the chair
you smile, a big smile at your body
and think these words
I am magnificent
and bask in your glory
now seek and find, the emotion/
sensation/feeling within you
of what it is like when you
are newly in love/joy/excitment
its warm, secure, tingly, giggly,
and overwhelming delightful
feel this sensation
completely and direct it to you
the body in the chair
you are sending yourself love
and think these words
I Love You, repeat it many times
I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU
feel it deeply
and as you feel it
become aware of you as the spirit
returning to you as your body
and merge together
feel the bliss
and think these words
I am Whole
as you bask in this glowing sensation
you feel renewed and calm
slowly, become aware again of your
arms resting on the armrests
the fire warm upon your skin, and linger a moment…
allow yourself to return your awareness
to your own room, and time….take a deep breath
and know… you are loved
cc debby rosenberg
Once you get the idea of the process I recommend you enhance and customize the scenes to suit your own taste. Perhaps you prefer a hammock in a grass meadow, or a rocking chair on a porch overlooking a river, perhaps there is a gentle spring rain.
It is best, to look within yourself for these answers because your own mind, memories, and peace related scenarios are unique to you and your mind and body will respond even deeper to your own imagination.
This simple exercise will strengthen your visualization skills, relax your mind and body, provide a basic introduction to lucid dreaming and the out of body sensation, and most importantly re-connect you to peace in your world.
the words:
take a deep breath, exhale,
and think these words
I am relaxed
imagine this scene before you
a cozy room with a lit fireplace
and an easy chair facing the fire
become aware of yourself
walking towards this chair
arrive at the chair and sit in it
become aware of your arms
resting on the armrests and
the warmth of the fire on your face
you feel comfortable
take a deep breath, exhale,
and think these words
I am relaxed
become aware of your skin
as it senses the warmth from the fire
and notice the sounds of
the wood burning
you are at peace here
allow yourself time
to relax into this peace
it feels so good, comfortable
and safe
become aware now of your inner self
your spirit, it is light and hovers
within you, and now it feels like a floating sensation, and it is gently lifting away from your body. let it go while your body continues to relax in the chair
notice the spirit now appearing and standing in front of you
it is translucent and shimmering,
in an instant you easily shift your awareness and become the spirit and see through its eyes you are
looking at your body
relaxing in the chair
you smile, a big smile at your body
and think these words
I am magnificent
and bask in your glory
now seek and find, the emotion/
sensation/feeling within you
of what it is like when you
are newly in love/joy/excitment
its warm, secure, tingly, giggly,
and overwhelming delightful
feel this sensation
completely and direct it to you
the body in the chair
you are sending yourself love
and think these words
I Love You, repeat it many times
I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU
feel it deeply
and as you feel it
become aware of you as the spirit
returning to you as your body
and merge together
feel the bliss
and think these words
I am Whole
as you bask in this glowing sensation
you feel renewed and calm
slowly, become aware again of your
arms resting on the armrests
the fire warm upon your skin, and linger a moment…
allow yourself to return your awareness
to your own room, and time….take a deep breath
and know… you are loved
cc debby rosenberg