A Strange Bird
There’s a Strange Bird…
There’s a strange bird
on the balcony -
one I can’t find in the book.
Look - pure white
resembling a dove.
The yin yang
of a black tail spot
overlaid with white feathers.
I think perhaps
an albino magpie
but for its pink legs
and its silence
and the magpies
chasing it across sky
in dogfight flight.
I guess it’s an outcast
seeking sanctuary
in this high place.
As I look through the window,
its eyes look through me
but I feel a connection.
(c) Deb Matthews-Zott
There’s a strange bird
on the balcony -
one I can’t find in the book.
Look - pure white
resembling a dove.
The yin yang
of a black tail spot
overlaid with white feathers.
I think perhaps
an albino magpie
but for its pink legs
and its silence
and the magpies
chasing it across sky
in dogfight flight.
I guess it’s an outcast
seeking sanctuary
in this high place.
As I look through the window,
its eyes look through me
but I feel a connection.
(c) Deb Matthews-Zott