Eternal Silence (Acapella)
HEKTOR THILLET (coffeeeurope)
Eternal Silence
Written & Performed by Hektor Thillet
The space between
The space of the galaxies
The space of eternal silence
Sits here
- between you and me
The wind conjures your presence
Your sit on the chair on front of me
I almost see a hint of your smile
From my side of some galaxy
- You are so far
But I see you
I close my eyes
And in my mind
I see you
I smile at you
You’re there
In space
- I reach for you
In the eternal silence
In this - space
I can’t hear you
Though I know you are song
Still - even in this space
I reach for you
And in my mind
I am caressing your hand
And I hear you
The space between speaks
- In eternal silence
Fragile filament of memory
Flower petals vanish in the form of you
And fly to your galaxy
So distant
So eternal
So silent
The galaxies
- So beautiful
We used to marvel at them
Travel through them
- In form
Never weary
Of the quietly lurking torment
In its eternal silence
Just -
The joy in dreaming our minds
In mind
In our minds
In our galaxies
So impossibly distant
So perpetually in space now
- Always and then
I still see you
I still hear you
I still touch you
For in my mind
Where I transcend space
There will never be
Eternal silence
So speak
- in stars
My friend
Written & Performed by Hektor Thillet
The space between
The space of the galaxies
The space of eternal silence
Sits here
- between you and me
The wind conjures your presence
Your sit on the chair on front of me
I almost see a hint of your smile
From my side of some galaxy
- You are so far
But I see you
I close my eyes
And in my mind
I see you
I smile at you
You’re there
In space
- I reach for you
In the eternal silence
In this - space
I can’t hear you
Though I know you are song
Still - even in this space
I reach for you
And in my mind
I am caressing your hand
And I hear you
The space between speaks
- In eternal silence
Fragile filament of memory
Flower petals vanish in the form of you
And fly to your galaxy
So distant
So eternal
So silent
The galaxies
- So beautiful
We used to marvel at them
Travel through them
- In form
Never weary
Of the quietly lurking torment
In its eternal silence
Just -
The joy in dreaming our minds
In mind
In our minds
In our galaxies
So impossibly distant
So perpetually in space now
- Always and then
I still see you
I still hear you
I still touch you
For in my mind
Where I transcend space
There will never be
Eternal silence
So speak
- in stars
My friend