After Woman (A Capella)
Good Humor
After Woman
Please teach me far away
In the future do you know what kind of living creatures
will be looking up at this sky I’m watching now?
Come here and dream with me
I’m going to fly away now up into the sky
Take a guess at what I’m thinking of with your ESP
When I stretch my body out
Then the ocean and the city comes much closer
Orange and Yellow flowers stretch their stems up to the sky, and about to touch my nose
Beneath the high mountains
On the city which has jewelry scattered everywhere
I am watching the snow falling down
Long ago, in that Disney Land,
everybody used to go there and play all day
When your ancestors were called ‘The Human Beings’,
who lived here long ago
People were killed by people
And animals ate animals many years ago
Would disappear from Planet Earth?
Please tell me After Woman
To love each other deeply very strongly, is maybe what this Star is trying to say to me
See, look at, it’s a rainbow
Please teach me far away
In the future do you know what kind of living creatures
will be looking up at this sky I’m watching now?
Come here and dream with me
I’m going to fly away now up into the sky
Take a guess at what I’m thinking of with your ESP
When I stretch my body out
Then the ocean and the city comes much closer
Orange and Yellow flowers stretch their stems up to the sky, and about to touch my nose
Beneath the high mountains
On the city which has jewelry scattered everywhere
I am watching the snow falling down
Long ago, in that Disney Land,
everybody used to go there and play all day
When your ancestors were called ‘The Human Beings’,
who lived here long ago
People were killed by people
And animals ate animals many years ago
Would disappear from Planet Earth?
Please tell me After Woman
To love each other deeply very strongly, is maybe what this Star is trying to say to me
See, look at, it’s a rainbow