sippy on on the can
sippy on the cup
wake you up
to get yerself up
sleepy in the eye
you know why
giddy up now
ya gotta try
so stop the lagging
lets get moving
faster than light
subatomic proving
dont fail under pressure
dont give into the haters
your living large and
and in charge
most massive of accelerators
now i must ENQUIRE
please tell me a little more
they say you invented the internet
hardcore props like mr gore
but I dont care bout Mr Lee or
or how xanadu were your links
i just want you to giddy-up
Large Hadron rickky tick
so whats this talk about other things
that you have been doing behind my back
lets get focused like laser beams
get ATLAS back on track
Proton Synchrotron
particle Booster
give it the power now
guddyup juicester
frosty stay frosty
spinning round the clock
atom smasher
particle thrasher
neutron muon quark
you know yer the ALPHA
Higgs boson in yer trap
kickit on down like giddyup
and thats why I wrote this rap
sippy on the cup
wake you up
to get yerself up
sleepy in the eye
you know why
giddy up now
ya gotta try
so stop the lagging
lets get moving
faster than light
subatomic proving
dont fail under pressure
dont give into the haters
your living large and
and in charge
most massive of accelerators
now i must ENQUIRE
please tell me a little more
they say you invented the internet
hardcore props like mr gore
but I dont care bout Mr Lee or
or how xanadu were your links
i just want you to giddy-up
Large Hadron rickky tick
so whats this talk about other things
that you have been doing behind my back
lets get focused like laser beams
get ATLAS back on track
Proton Synchrotron
particle Booster
give it the power now
guddyup juicester
frosty stay frosty
spinning round the clock
atom smasher
particle thrasher
neutron muon quark
you know yer the ALPHA
Higgs boson in yer trap
kickit on down like giddyup
and thats why I wrote this rap