Leave Your Pain
Admiral Bob
get funky.
Additional Lyric
We’ve all got pain, we’ve all been sad
But you can’t spread it around
Let it all stop with you, end the bad
Love isn’t an easy ground
It means making, making things better
And you can make this world good
Not by living the law or the letter
But letting love be where you stood
So take the paint off your walls
And flip the closed sign on your door
Additional Lyric
We’ve all got pain, we’ve all been sad
But you can’t spread it around
Let it all stop with you, end the bad
Love isn’t an easy ground
It means making, making things better
And you can make this world good
Not by living the law or the letter
But letting love be where you stood
So take the paint off your walls
And flip the closed sign on your door
Uses samples from...
Samples are used in...
- Grab that Light 140 Apoxode
- Grab Those Drums 140 Apoxode
- You're Loving Me Wrong texasradiofish
- Average Funk Band texasradiofish
- The Call on Your Wall felicspedersen
- Leave Your Pain (inc instrumental) stellarartwars
- Too cool to ignore ! veezyn
- Admiral's Leave speck
- Leave Your Pain unreal_dm
- Garnet Wine stellarartwars
- Leave Your Pain texasradiofish
- Manny Arquette's videos of People, Pets and Purdy Pictures.