Another Panic Attack
Haptic (Clulow Forester): Vocals
Another Panic Attack
Up near the old valley way
Is a house where people shake
And their tongues are split in two
To better taste the river.
As the river breaks its banks
As it floods the bottom floor
They all shed their skins to become what
They’re born for.
Do you have a history of…
Do you have a history of…
Have you ever seen
Things that were not there?
Are there any people in your family who
Have ever seen…
There’s a city on the shore
Where the people are all poor
But they have more money
Than they could ever spend
As they drink from their supply
Their hearing is amplified
They look up and listen to
The solar radiation
Do you have a history of…
Do you have a history of …
Have you ever seen things
That were not there?
Are there any people in your family who
Have ever seen…
It’s just another panic attack…
It’s just another panic attack…
Another Panic Attack
Up near the old valley way
Is a house where people shake
And their tongues are split in two
To better taste the river.
As the river breaks its banks
As it floods the bottom floor
They all shed their skins to become what
They’re born for.
Do you have a history of…
Do you have a history of…
Have you ever seen
Things that were not there?
Are there any people in your family who
Have ever seen…
There’s a city on the shore
Where the people are all poor
But they have more money
Than they could ever spend
As they drink from their supply
Their hearing is amplified
They look up and listen to
The solar radiation
Do you have a history of…
Do you have a history of …
Have you ever seen things
That were not there?
Are there any people in your family who
Have ever seen…
It’s just another panic attack…
It’s just another panic attack…