The Solace of Ota Benga
Ota Benga, a pygmy from the Congo in Africa was brought to America in 1904 by the showman anthropologist William McGee. He was put on show in a cage in the Bronx Zoo in New York for the “civilised” people to stare and wonder at. His only companion a chimpanzee. Later he was freed and put in an orphanage for black children. In later years he worked in a tobacco factory trying to earn enough money to return to his home in the Congo. He soon realised this was futile and one evening fatally shot himself in the head. He is buried somewhere in America in an unmarked grave.
Many thanks to Emily for this beautiful heartfelt vocal which I have heavily reverbed so all the “s’s” are down to me!
Many thanks to Emily for this beautiful heartfelt vocal which I have heavily reverbed so all the “s’s” are down to me!