
The Black Velvet Ribbon
The Black Velvet Ribbon is a classic scary story for kids that has been told for decades at sleepovers and around camp fires. Like many children’s stories, the tale of the black velvet ribbon is rife with images and allegories. A simple internet search results is some eruidite analysis of this tale of secrets, trust and regret.
Thank you Cyba for creating the sonic space for the retelling of this tale. Thank you Haskel for sharing your inimitable guitar stylings.
I loved her as soon as I saw her.
Warmth and intelligence radiating from her eyes, a smile, a song as expansive as rays of light on the horizon.
I knew the moment I saw her — I was smitten.
Around her slender neck she wore a black velvet ribbon.
She wore the ribbon all the time.
At first I thought it affectation.
But “no” she assured me “there’s a reason why.
But the reason is a secret.”
Whispering in my ear
She said “Let us just love each other.
We were brought together to be each other’s lover.
Let the past remain where it is hidden.”
She kissed me and we spoke no more of the black velvet ribbon.
Time passed. Our love deepen’d.
We made vows to be together
She was mine. I was hers.
For now. For forever.
I thought that I let it go —
The desire to see her completely naked
For our life together did indeed grow
I thought I loved her with the ribbon
Her grace, her charm, her care
Should have been enough for me.
But the secret of the ribbon still haunted me.
“You’ll be sorry” she softly warned if the ribbon became untied.
“You’ll be sorry”
She said, “Trust me.” I tried.
One night, when my love was asleep
In a sleep as deep as deep as can be
Moonlight bathing illuminating
Her slender neck under the ribbon pulsating
What, I wondered, what would I see
If I untied the ribbon what would be freed?
Gently I reached holding my breath
I loosened the black velvet ribbon from
Around her slender neck
A choice I will always regret
Her eyes popped open afraid and far
Her head tumbling to the floor
Her voice wailing like never before
You’ll be sorry she wailed
Head on the floor
Before she would say nothing more
She said “Let us just love each other.
We were brought together to be each other’s lover.
Let the past remain where it is hidden.”
In my fingers I held the ribbon, aghast
As I watched my beloved breathe her last breath
Wishing I listened to her admonition
To never remove the black velvet ribbon
A choice I will always regret
When no means no; it doesn’t mean yes
A secret held like a scorpion sting
The nature of what trauma can bring
Some things we need to leave unseen
Thank you Cyba for creating the sonic space for the retelling of this tale. Thank you Haskel for sharing your inimitable guitar stylings.
I loved her as soon as I saw her.
Warmth and intelligence radiating from her eyes, a smile, a song as expansive as rays of light on the horizon.
I knew the moment I saw her — I was smitten.
Around her slender neck she wore a black velvet ribbon.
She wore the ribbon all the time.
At first I thought it affectation.
But “no” she assured me “there’s a reason why.
But the reason is a secret.”
Whispering in my ear
She said “Let us just love each other.
We were brought together to be each other’s lover.
Let the past remain where it is hidden.”
She kissed me and we spoke no more of the black velvet ribbon.
Time passed. Our love deepen’d.
We made vows to be together
She was mine. I was hers.
For now. For forever.
I thought that I let it go —
The desire to see her completely naked
For our life together did indeed grow
I thought I loved her with the ribbon
Her grace, her charm, her care
Should have been enough for me.
But the secret of the ribbon still haunted me.
“You’ll be sorry” she softly warned if the ribbon became untied.
“You’ll be sorry”
She said, “Trust me.” I tried.
One night, when my love was asleep
In a sleep as deep as deep as can be
Moonlight bathing illuminating
Her slender neck under the ribbon pulsating
What, I wondered, what would I see
If I untied the ribbon what would be freed?
Gently I reached holding my breath
I loosened the black velvet ribbon from
Around her slender neck
A choice I will always regret
Her eyes popped open afraid and far
Her head tumbling to the floor
Her voice wailing like never before
You’ll be sorry she wailed
Head on the floor
Before she would say nothing more
She said “Let us just love each other.
We were brought together to be each other’s lover.
Let the past remain where it is hidden.”
In my fingers I held the ribbon, aghast
As I watched my beloved breathe her last breath
Wishing I listened to her admonition
To never remove the black velvet ribbon
A choice I will always regret
When no means no; it doesn’t mean yes
A secret held like a scorpion sting
The nature of what trauma can bring
Some things we need to leave unseen