Been Like That Too (Vox)
Vocal stems for “Been Like That Too.”
Dry flac stems uploaded as directed. :-)
* * * * * * * *
This song was intentionally written for the Amplifiers remix event…but due to certain limitations, I was not able to complete it at that time.
I intended to finish it with the Starfosch event — the lyrics and melody written for the Amplifiers event fit right on top of this track. But once again, I was not able to complete this track at that time due to certain limitations.
This time — the third time, I was determined!
Much thanks to Haskel for playing some really amazing guitar parts. His unedited stems will be uploaded separately soon.
I’ve been like that too
quiet when I saw what’s true
I’ve been like that too
stuck when I wanted to move
I’ve been like that too
my broken heart not knowing what to do
I’ve been like that too
I’ve been like that too
shocked when I heard the news
I’ve been like that too
Not know what I did or how to make it up to you
I’ve been like that too
Quiet when I saw what’s true
I’ve been like that too
I’ve been like that too
Grief, love it’s the same
Dark, like a familiar refrain
To end again is to being again
Let’s return to love again
Where there is love, there is resiliance
I’ve been like that too
waiting to know how to choose
I’ve been like that too
confused by the words that were used
I’ve been like that time
out of time with the groove
I’ve been like that too
I’ve been like that too
We breath we sleep we eat we breed
You must see what I see
The shots that shatter
The shots that fracture
The gasp of disaster
The horror thereafter
The resilience required to face the danger
The love that’s needed to silence the anger
When you correct the dwelling you make the whole world right
Dry flac stems uploaded as directed. :-)
* * * * * * * *
This song was intentionally written for the Amplifiers remix event…but due to certain limitations, I was not able to complete it at that time.
I intended to finish it with the Starfosch event — the lyrics and melody written for the Amplifiers event fit right on top of this track. But once again, I was not able to complete this track at that time due to certain limitations.
This time — the third time, I was determined!
Much thanks to Haskel for playing some really amazing guitar parts. His unedited stems will be uploaded separately soon.
I’ve been like that too
quiet when I saw what’s true
I’ve been like that too
stuck when I wanted to move
I’ve been like that too
my broken heart not knowing what to do
I’ve been like that too
I’ve been like that too
shocked when I heard the news
I’ve been like that too
Not know what I did or how to make it up to you
I’ve been like that too
Quiet when I saw what’s true
I’ve been like that too
I’ve been like that too
Grief, love it’s the same
Dark, like a familiar refrain
To end again is to being again
Let’s return to love again
Where there is love, there is resiliance
I’ve been like that too
waiting to know how to choose
I’ve been like that too
confused by the words that were used
I’ve been like that time
out of time with the groove
I’ve been like that too
I’ve been like that too
We breath we sleep we eat we breed
You must see what I see
The shots that shatter
The shots that fracture
The gasp of disaster
The horror thereafter
The resilience required to face the danger
The love that’s needed to silence the anger
When you correct the dwelling you make the whole world right