From Oceans To Egos
Freud compared the relationship between the id and the ego to that of a horse and rider. The horse represents the id, a powerful force that offers the energy to propel forward motion. The rider represents the ego, the guiding force that directs the power of the id toward a goal.
Life is a constant battle of the two. Each one striving to be heard above the noise of existing like the ebb and the flow of the primordial oceans.
While New York City ushered in the arrival of 1892 with the peals of church bells and the screeching of horns, American dreams danced in the head of a 17-year-old Irish girl. After spending 12 days, including Christmas, at sea, the girl from Ireland’s County Cork was just hours away from reuniting with her parents and two older siblings after spending the past four years apart.
The brown-haired Irish teenager was the first to bound down the gangplank with her brothers in tow. She entered through the enormous double doors of the cavernous three-story wooden building and skipped two steps at a time up the main staircase. Turning to her left, the girl was ushered into one of 10 aisles and up to a tall lectern-like registry desk.
“What is your name, my girl?” asked Charles Hendley, a former Treasury Department official who had requested the honor of registering the new station’s first immigrant.
“Annie Moore, sir,” replied the Irish girl.
And so it was that Annie Moore became the first immigrant to enter the USA by way of Ellis Island. Later she would find her dreams in the arms of a fish salesman for whom she bore 11 children. Most did not survive childhood and Annie herself died at the age of 47 but she had reached the land of the American dream.
Many thanks to Leza for an inspirational vocal performance
Life is a constant battle of the two. Each one striving to be heard above the noise of existing like the ebb and the flow of the primordial oceans.
While New York City ushered in the arrival of 1892 with the peals of church bells and the screeching of horns, American dreams danced in the head of a 17-year-old Irish girl. After spending 12 days, including Christmas, at sea, the girl from Ireland’s County Cork was just hours away from reuniting with her parents and two older siblings after spending the past four years apart.
The brown-haired Irish teenager was the first to bound down the gangplank with her brothers in tow. She entered through the enormous double doors of the cavernous three-story wooden building and skipped two steps at a time up the main staircase. Turning to her left, the girl was ushered into one of 10 aisles and up to a tall lectern-like registry desk.
“What is your name, my girl?” asked Charles Hendley, a former Treasury Department official who had requested the honor of registering the new station’s first immigrant.
“Annie Moore, sir,” replied the Irish girl.
And so it was that Annie Moore became the first immigrant to enter the USA by way of Ellis Island. Later she would find her dreams in the arms of a fish salesman for whom she bore 11 children. Most did not survive childhood and Annie herself died at the age of 47 but she had reached the land of the American dream.
Many thanks to Leza for an inspirational vocal performance