Just Immigrants
No matter our colour or ethnic origin we are all immigrants. In the distant past all of our forebears would have packed their belongings and moved on at sometime. My ancestors were Vikings. I know this from what I have gleaned from ancestory sites and Google! It also explains my penchant for pointed hats with cow horns stuck in them! Around 9AD my people left Scandinavia and sailed to what became Normandy in France. Here they settled and it was from here in 1066 they set sail for Britain so William later the Conqueror could take the crown from Harold Godwinson. As every schoolboy knows William was successful and Harold taking an arrow in the eye was less so! The De Burgh family who came over with William stayed in England and started the British line which led on to the Burrough family name coming into existence. As to William the Conqueror well he went back to Normandy to protect his lands which had come under attack. He sustained an injury to his stomach which later became infected leading to his death in 1087. On trying to squeeze his body into a stone coffin the local priests inadvertently pressed too hard and his infected abdomen exploded. As small particles took to the air to be blown away they became immigrants themselves and moved on to continue the journey.
I was born into a family of immigrants
We had moved from the north to the south
My ancestors killed for a living
Their fame was spread by word of mouth
They built boats that could sail across oceans
And sometimes they never returned
The history books tell all they did was raise hell
With their bridges now thoroughly burned.
In France they settled in Normandy
And Normans is what they became
Feared by all men and you never could tell
If they’d love you or kill you for gain
Then in 1066 William fancied a shot
At becoming the king of the Brits
So he set sale for Hastings to do battle with Harold
And he tore the poor British to bits
Harold he died with an arrow in his eye
And William marched on to the throne
He ruled for 21 years mostly through fear
And he died back in Normandy sad and alone
We are all just immigrants
I was born into a family of immigrants
We had moved from the north to the south
My ancestors killed for a living
Their fame was spread by word of mouth
They built boats that could sail across oceans
And sometimes they never returned
The history books tell all they did was raise hell
With their bridges now thoroughly burned.
In France they settled in Normandy
And Normans is what they became
Feared by all men and you never could tell
If they’d love you or kill you for gain
Then in 1066 William fancied a shot
At becoming the king of the Brits
So he set sale for Hastings to do battle with Harold
And he tore the poor British to bits
Harold he died with an arrow in his eye
And William marched on to the throne
He ruled for 21 years mostly through fear
And he died back in Normandy sad and alone
We are all just immigrants