Whispered Intent
Most marriages start in high fidelity. Glorious sounds filling the rooms and beautiful words offered without restraint. But for some the magic starts to fade as bodies once swollen with the gift of life struggle to regain their former glory and bellies stretched by glasses of beer conive to introduce a sallow apathy to conversations.
Before too long the air is stagnant, a low fidelity ringing the changes in and hopes and dreams lay crumpled on the floor.
Some manage to escape the discord and drag their tortured world into another relationship but for some the challenge is too much and with resignation they remain and fester and accept their fate
Great words and delivery from Rob that I have taken and rephrased for my purposes.
Before too long the air is stagnant, a low fidelity ringing the changes in and hopes and dreams lay crumpled on the floor.
Some manage to escape the discord and drag their tortured world into another relationship but for some the challenge is too much and with resignation they remain and fester and accept their fate
Great words and delivery from Rob that I have taken and rephrased for my purposes.