Whether you take it as fact or a fairy tale it is still a great story!
When God made Adam he had no other plans
To produce another who would live inside his world
But he felt mans passion saw the sadness in his eye
So from a rib he fashioned the scourge of history
Oh it was such sweet love feelings given like fine wine
Soaked into the waiting heart precursor of the crime
Trees now fully laden with fruit that tempts the soul
It only takes a few words for evil to be known
And now their hearts are broken all feelings turned to dust
It only takes a minute to remove love and trust
When God made Adam he had no other plans
To produce another who would live inside his world
But he felt mans passion saw the sadness in his eye
So from a rib he fashioned the scourge of history
Oh it was such sweet love feelings given like fine wine
Soaked into the waiting heart precursor of the crime
Trees now fully laden with fruit that tempts the soul
It only takes a few words for evil to be known
And now their hearts are broken all feelings turned to dust
It only takes a minute to remove love and trust