Thank You to the Virus
Thank You to the Virus
by Patronski
The patience I did not possess
You gave to me
Charity for those with less
You increased in me
Remembering my Mother and Father
You heightened in me
Empathy toward another
Your harshness painted a picture for me
To those I would forget to call
You reminded me
From those that I had grown apart
They are once again a part of me
To value everyone’s contribution
You created a new currency for me
To understand how little I really need
You took the rest away from me
To appreciate a walk in nature
You opened my eyes for me
To truly love another
You expanded the heart in me
To understand forgiveness
You taught me acceptance
To understand acceptance
You taught me to let go
The walls I let define me
You tore down for me
Thank You!
by Patronski
The patience I did not possess
You gave to me
Charity for those with less
You increased in me
Remembering my Mother and Father
You heightened in me
Empathy toward another
Your harshness painted a picture for me
To those I would forget to call
You reminded me
From those that I had grown apart
They are once again a part of me
To value everyone’s contribution
You created a new currency for me
To understand how little I really need
You took the rest away from me
To appreciate a walk in nature
You opened my eyes for me
To truly love another
You expanded the heart in me
To understand forgiveness
You taught me acceptance
To understand acceptance
You taught me to let go
The walls I let define me
You tore down for me
Thank You!