I am—happily and by choice—homeless this holiday season. It leads one to reflection. It also makes recording a bit challenging, so this comes a little later than I’d hoped. Intended in Gm but performed a capella so it may drift in spots.
Warm wishes to all as the longest night passes!
(cc) BY D A Ayer 2017-12-07
Look to the west: the oldest house lays down its head as night is done
while in the east a bright new star shines above the rising sun.
Two thousand years are all they reign in the temple of the sky:
twelve signs and one less favored chase the dragon’s tail, the phoenix’ eye.
A hundred generations pass for every month of that great year.
Twelve times this sum will come and go before the first can reappear.
Here in the dark we scribe a line to mark the dawn of each new age
and hide the talisman away to pass along from sage to sage.
While in the west the oldest house lays down its head: its night is come.
And to the east a bright new star shines above the rising sun.
Warm wishes to all as the longest night passes!
(cc) BY D A Ayer 2017-12-07
Look to the west: the oldest house lays down its head as night is done
while in the east a bright new star shines above the rising sun.
Two thousand years are all they reign in the temple of the sky:
twelve signs and one less favored chase the dragon’s tail, the phoenix’ eye.
A hundred generations pass for every month of that great year.
Twelve times this sum will come and go before the first can reappear.
Here in the dark we scribe a line to mark the dawn of each new age
and hide the talisman away to pass along from sage to sage.
While in the west the oldest house lays down its head: its night is come.
And to the east a bright new star shines above the rising sun.