Personal Reality
An ironic treatment of the phrase “perception is reality,” especially as used to justify disingenuous marketing or automatic software “enhancement.”
A capella file is dry voice, normalized, and with the intervals between verses scrubbed of throat-clearing and floorboard creaks. MIDI-piano gospel cue track included in the “rough mix” file for grins. The FLAC is aligned with the cue track, so there is a bunch more silence at the beginning in that sample. Plenty of space that can be filled or trimmed. More under How I Did It….
As usual, feel free to borrow the words as well as the recording:
[1] Looking at the sky I see the usual cerulean hue
But when I take a photograph I need a more electric blue.
Tan my tone so folks will know I’ve been outdoors and having fun
But smooth away the blemishes that come from aging in the sun.
Immaculate perception is my personal reality.
The world’s a pale reflection of my Superficiality.
[2] Listening to your voices I can’t help but to reflect on mine:
It’s something for the ladies, like a glass of after dinner wine.
The effects in my channel help to fatten up and smooth my tone
‘til honey drips off every word like pure distilled testosterone.
Your ‘bated breath’s a testament to my raw masculinity.
The world can’t hold a candle to my Superficiality.
[3] Speaking of my resume—there’s forty-seven posts on line!
If you’d prefer a CV, send me yours and I’ll revert with mine.
The mountains I have climbed, both real and virtual, they document
With pictures of the famous places I’ve stopped by to pitch my tent.
From “Better Homes and Gardens” to the “Architectural Review”
My Superficiality is always right in front of you.
[4] Thinking ‘bout the world I’d like to turn it up a notch or two
To make a better background for the Instagrams I’ll send to you.
The colors will be brighter and the video a lot more cool;
This is my life we’re talkin’ here, not some pathetic ass-hat tool’s!
Immaculate perception is my personal reality.
The world is but a shadow of my Superficiality.
A capella file is dry voice, normalized, and with the intervals between verses scrubbed of throat-clearing and floorboard creaks. MIDI-piano gospel cue track included in the “rough mix” file for grins. The FLAC is aligned with the cue track, so there is a bunch more silence at the beginning in that sample. Plenty of space that can be filled or trimmed. More under How I Did It….
As usual, feel free to borrow the words as well as the recording:
[1] Looking at the sky I see the usual cerulean hue
But when I take a photograph I need a more electric blue.
Tan my tone so folks will know I’ve been outdoors and having fun
But smooth away the blemishes that come from aging in the sun.
Immaculate perception is my personal reality.
The world’s a pale reflection of my Superficiality.
[2] Listening to your voices I can’t help but to reflect on mine:
It’s something for the ladies, like a glass of after dinner wine.
The effects in my channel help to fatten up and smooth my tone
‘til honey drips off every word like pure distilled testosterone.
Your ‘bated breath’s a testament to my raw masculinity.
The world can’t hold a candle to my Superficiality.
[3] Speaking of my resume—there’s forty-seven posts on line!
If you’d prefer a CV, send me yours and I’ll revert with mine.
The mountains I have climbed, both real and virtual, they document
With pictures of the famous places I’ve stopped by to pitch my tent.
From “Better Homes and Gardens” to the “Architectural Review”
My Superficiality is always right in front of you.
[4] Thinking ‘bout the world I’d like to turn it up a notch or two
To make a better background for the Instagrams I’ll send to you.
The colors will be brighter and the video a lot more cool;
This is my life we’re talkin’ here, not some pathetic ass-hat tool’s!
Immaculate perception is my personal reality.
The world is but a shadow of my Superficiality.