
Spies' Girls
Mr. Pepino
My track for the Temperate Transitions Secret Mixter event with
my mixup assignment 7OOP3D.
This is my first secret mixter event and my first remix of a 7OOP3D track and I must say, they make very good
music and uploaded all their samples in best flac quality! Thx for that!
They come from Germany - I come from Germany - what is typical german music? Techno!
Their track “Nummerngöre” reminds me of my youth and the end of the cold war era 1989
here in Germany after the the fall of the Berlin Wall.
This was also the spring time of techno music in the Berlin club scene.
I took the voice samples from “Nummerngöre”, which are recordings from old spy number stations
in Germany in the cold war era and combined them with an oldschool sounding techno beat and all
the sound fx from that “Nummerngöre” track, all speeded up to 137bpm.
The male vocals come from a Department of Defense movie from 1964 called “Espionage Target - You”
about ‘how Communist agents used any means to obtain vital information from military personnel.’
Kind of funny, that the worldwide espionage situation hasn’t changed that much since than…
Its now released und a creative commons license (see link below).
The looping guitar comes from 7OOP3D “Devour The Guitar” and some fx from “Pyramid”.
I really love, how 7OOP3D created this distorted, combined sound fx with different samples.
I used a lot of dark synth-sounds like 7OOP3D does a lot and combined it with tape-delay effects
to make it trippy.
All pells are uploaded as flac files to follow the good example of 7OOP3D!
With luv from Münster to Hamburg
Mr. Pepino
other CC sources:
“Espionage Target - You” by PublicResourceOrg
Licensed under Creative Commons
my mixup assignment 7OOP3D.
This is my first secret mixter event and my first remix of a 7OOP3D track and I must say, they make very good
music and uploaded all their samples in best flac quality! Thx for that!
They come from Germany - I come from Germany - what is typical german music? Techno!
Their track “Nummerngöre” reminds me of my youth and the end of the cold war era 1989
here in Germany after the the fall of the Berlin Wall.
This was also the spring time of techno music in the Berlin club scene.
I took the voice samples from “Nummerngöre”, which are recordings from old spy number stations
in Germany in the cold war era and combined them with an oldschool sounding techno beat and all
the sound fx from that “Nummerngöre” track, all speeded up to 137bpm.
The male vocals come from a Department of Defense movie from 1964 called “Espionage Target - You”
about ‘how Communist agents used any means to obtain vital information from military personnel.’
Kind of funny, that the worldwide espionage situation hasn’t changed that much since than…
Its now released und a creative commons license (see link below).
The looping guitar comes from 7OOP3D “Devour The Guitar” and some fx from “Pyramid”.
I really love, how 7OOP3D created this distorted, combined sound fx with different samples.
I used a lot of dark synth-sounds like 7OOP3D does a lot and combined it with tape-delay effects
to make it trippy.
All pells are uploaded as flac files to follow the good example of 7OOP3D!
With luv from Münster to Hamburg
Mr. Pepino
other CC sources:
“Espionage Target - You” by PublicResourceOrg
Licensed under Creative Commons