r u
Amazingly this started off with a love Kara’s surf song. I spliced up a bar of a riff thinking I’d be able to splice her amazing singing on that track but couldn’t get to anything I liked. Was happy with the new heavy guitar riff, but as usual I lean to getting back to fold blues. Again found a bar of something Kara was harping all over and that one bar I played 10 million times till I found a way to join the heavy and fold. I try to learn a new point on FL studio each time… This time it was scratching and that was the solution I felt to make it join up. Main vocal I could easily pinch again from the surf song was the wooohooooo at the end. Then that I am the shit in the town city etc was so addictive in Reisworks song, I just had to take it. There is so much great stuff to grab but need to calm myself focus and play with a tiny bit. After that I add in some drum fills and beats. I was always looking for more vocals to match Im the shit and well might aswell grab the question who am i. that and look for a groovy bit of percussion to round out the dance feel I love. I tried this at different BPM until I just decided fast and furious was the only way. Played a lot with vocals and effects too… I could keep extending this song… most my work is loopable. I tend to work from any point in a song than usual playing an instrument forward through it. composing means you can extend backwards forwards in the middle etc. it really is a weird approach. I wrote mostly from the middle and then extended to the end and then back to the front. having the end and start with the same elements means that at any stage the song will be extendable. copy paste!