I am alive
But barely breathing,
I’m deep in this water.
I dont know how to survive in this ocean.
People drowning all around me
But how am I still here?
I just wish that I could disappear.
Drowning in the pool that I could
Even stand in
But my legs just wont stand
And so what shall I do?
I scream for someone to help me, but no one can hear me.
I am drowning
What shall I do?
But barely breathing,
I’m deep in this water.
I dont know how to survive in this ocean.
People drowning all around me
But how am I still here?
I just wish that I could disappear.
Drowning in the pool that I could
Even stand in
But my legs just wont stand
And so what shall I do?
I scream for someone to help me, but no one can hear me.
I am drowning
What shall I do?