Big Naturals
Platinum Butterfly
It has been i while since i uploaded my latest track. This due to a system crash wich totaly whiped out all the music programs i had on my harddisc as well as all my samples and stuff. It made me so depressed i didn’t want to create music for a long time any more. But hey, i cannot live without it so after some time i had to, i have a few things put togheter to make some music, but it is enough for a start again i think.
Maybe you can hear i have been away for a long time and did nothing with music, but for a first result after this long time, i like this track. Good raw material does half the trick i guess.
Have fun and enjoy!
greetz Frank
Maybe you can hear i have been away for a long time and did nothing with music, but for a first result after this long time, i like this track. Good raw material does half the trick i guess.
Have fun and enjoy!
greetz Frank